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Notice how the shape of the 'E7 guitar chord' fits within this barre chord To play this chord Barre your first finger across ALL the strings on the 5th fret Place your 3rd finger on the 7th fret of theAnswer (1 of 9) First the examples you listed, G7, G75, G7 are the same chord written differently and there are even more ways to write them G7(5), G7(#5), G7 b6 This is just going

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 Game play Draw rows of dots, separated by a good half inch, in a grid of 10 by 10 columns Each player takes a turn connecting one dot to another adjacent dot horizontally or vertically, one move at a time After a while, the board begins to fill with a series of horizontal and vertical lines, some connected, some notThe game is usually for two players but can be done with more Each player needs to grab a different color marker or pen Players then take turns connecting dots, one line at a time In the picture below, the red player goes first and draws a line from one dot (egg) to another Then blue takes a turn and so on

Dot to dot square game

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 Rio 2 Cast and Crew Cast Photos and Info FandangoPatricious Drawing Jeromerocks37 3 2 Elijah Drawing Jeromerocks37 2 1 Clyra The Macaw TwinTailsInc 40 27 My Rio Source char, Emmanuelle HeroWolf95 7 0 My Rio Source char, Isaac HeroWolf95 12 4 Rio Character Coal Tail Huai 5 0 Stories and Writing The Penguins of Rio RidicBird 1 62 The Ladykiller RidicBird 91 55 Don't need the Love HawkRio is a hostess working at Club Shine, featured in Yakuza 4 She can only be requested by Shun Akiyama Rio is a 23yearold hostess who works at Shine, a prominent hostess club in Kamurocho She's halfJapanese, and aspires to be a pinup model Aside from her work as a hostess, she wants to write a column in a magazine She also mentioned that she wants to be able to play guitar

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